Succession planning is an essential process for any organisation, ensuring the smooth transition of leadership and preserving the stability and success of the company. This is particularly important for the position of the chairman, who holds a critical role in guiding the company’s direction and making strategic decisions. In this article, we will discuss how to succession plan for the chairman to ensure a successful transition.

Succession planning for the chairman

Step 1: Identify potential candidates

The first step in the succession planning process is to identify potential candidates for the position of chairman. This should be done well in advance to ensure that there is adequate time to prepare and train the selected candidate.

The candidates should possess the necessary skills, experience, and leadership qualities required for the role. It is also important to consider factors such as succession planning for the CEO, and the company’s long-term strategic goals when selecting candidates.

Step 2: Evaluate the candidates

Once potential candidates have been identified, it is important to evaluate their suitability for the position. This can be done through a combination of objective and subjective assessments, including:

  • Reviewing the candidate’s performance in their current role
  • Conducting interviews with the candidate to assess their leadership style and vision for the company
  • Reviewing the candidate’s track record and experience in managing complex organisations
  • Seeking feedback from colleagues, stakeholders, and other industry experts

Step 3: Develop a plan for the chosen candidate

After selecting the candidate who is best suited for the role of chairman, the next step is to develop a comprehensive plan to prepare them for the position. This plan should include:

  • Mentoring and coaching by the current chairman or other senior executives
  • Exposure to the different aspects of the business, such as operations, finance, and marketing
  • Leadership training to help them develop the necessary skills and competencies required for the role
  • Assigning them to key projects and initiatives to gain hands-on experience and learn about the company’s strategic priorities

Step 4: Communicate the plan

Once the succession plan has been developed, it isimportant to communicate it effectively to all stakeholders, including the board of directors, senior management, and employees. This will ensure that everyone is aware of the plan and can support the transition process. It is also important to communicate the reasons for the succession plan and how it aligns with the company’s overall strategy.

Step 5: Monitor progress and adjust the plan as necessary

Succession planning is an ongoing process, and it is important to monitor progress and adjust the plan as necessary. This may involve revisiting the selection criteria, providing additional training or mentoring, or accelerating or delaying the transition timeline based on changing circumstances.

Succession planning for the chairman is an essential process for any organisation. By identifying potential candidates, evaluating their suitability, developing a plan for the chosen candidate, communicating the plan effectively, and monitoring progress, organisations can ensure a smooth transition and maintain their long-term success.

More valuable reading on Succession Planning:

Korn Ferry Succession Planning
